18/07/2023 – Lecturer French – Royaume-Uni

Emploi FLE
Publié il y a 10 mois

This is an exciting opportunity to join the Foreign Languages Wing team at the Defence Centre for Language and Culture (DCLC) located within the International Group.

This Burnham Lecturer (BL) post is a specialist in French language training and plays an important role in delivering French courses to military personnel. We are seeking someone with a modern, creative approach to teaching and with a track record in delivering engaging learning experiences to students.

This role requires native or near native language skills in both French and English. This will be tested as a technical skill during the interview process.

This is a part-time role (0.4 FTE) equating to two days per week.

This post is advertised for 14.8 hours per week.

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Chaque mois, huit fiches pédagogiques dans Le français dans le monde, la revue des professionnels du FLE. Abonnez-vous ! Revenir à la liste des offres d’emploi et de stages